Atom LL#1 Wildcats Keep Rolling with 6-1 Win!, News, Atom LL #1, 2018-2019, LL (Woolwich Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 13, 2018 | Greg English | 487 views
Atom LL#1 Wildcats Keep Rolling with 6-1 Win!
LL#1 Wildcats visited Plattsville Saturday morning and left with a 6-1 victory!

The boys played another strong game today shutting down the Plattsville Rage and holding them to a goal and 2 shots! The Wildcat defence stood tall, and any play in our end quickly turned into an offensive rush the other way. Great game Wildcats!

Zion Shadd (2)
Bryden Schaefer (2)
Jonah Schmidt (2)

Bryden Schaefer (1)
Zion Shadd (1)
Evan Reger (2)
Emmet Schell (2)

Golden Jersey:
Once again, the entire team played great, so the decision was not easy. Bryden Schaefer was in slightly unfamiliar territory, but looked like a natural forward out there today scoring 2 goals on the same shift! The forward line of Cooper, Zion, and Bryden was definitely hot today and things really seemed to be clicking for Bryden. Congratulations Bryden and keep up the great work!